A new version of Reader+ for Gmail (1.12) was released a few days ago, with these changes:
April 27, 2015
1. Added blue circle to the left of each email in the email table view to indicate if it is an unread message (i.e. unread using a fully capable Gmail client application).
2. Added settings option to read only "unread" emails (i.e. emails that have not yet been read by a fully capable Gmail client application).
3. Re-built using iOS 8.3.
The full revision history can be found here:
This past week an awesome new feature was added to make the app kick ass even more:
Now there will be a simple text input field and search button to allow you to search through ALL of your Gmail messages in just a few seconds. The Gmail API and the SPEED of Google Search are really quite impressive. So if you need to review that epic 10 page email that your boss sent to you a few weeks back, now you can just search for it, click on the result, and start listening!