On Tuesday evening I was speaking about AMOS (over Zoom) to the Raspberry Pint group in London, England. It was supposed to be an update of the last 9 months of development work since I had presented to them previously back in January. I started off with a recap of the reason and history behind AMOS, and then got into the details of the recent improvements on the AMOSRemote wireless transceiver, the AMOS-IMU electronic compass, and then... my screen turned red. Entirely red. I was able to press the ESC key to view windows in the background, but the PowerPoint was still red. We decided that I should try to stop sharing, and then try re-sharing to get it going again. I clicked the 'Stop Share' button, and that's when the stream of porn and loud music started. The presentation had apparently been hacked by someone. A couple of the guys tried some things to resume control with unsatisfactory results, but then had a pretty clever idea: ask everyone to turn on their video. Anyone who didn't comply would be booted out of the presentation. I think this resulted in a few people needing to leave who didn't have working cameras, but the intruder must have also left, because I was free to continue my presentation after that. The "intermission" had been about 10 minutes, and I felt a bit weird for a few minutes after that, but I was able to finish without incident and answer the questions from the audience afterward. Hopefully it will be possible to splice together a video of my presentation at some point. Until then y (Edit: Richard Kirby at Raspberry Pint has already edited the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yHVf25cZ-AI&fbclid=IwAR2EUiuZ1--wo5dYfUvKESNI-UL03GPUu0JSVwXt4maH_EfZ_fMTm4NZLsI )You can see the PPT slides here (guaranteed to be family friendly!):
This week has been fairly busy with meetings, but there has been a bit of time to work on the creation of a mold for constructing AMOS hulls out of two-part foam: